Well, unfortunately I did not have a camera on me this weekend, but I did come across a horrendous park job at a mall…even more entertaining, I witnessed it! This old sonofabitch in a Buick parks both right tires over the line right all on top of this Honda…so close, that there would be no way in hell that the person in the Honda could enter from the driver’s side door. No way in hell. I wish I coulda waited around to see the person return to their car!! Well, this oldtimer gets out, walks in front of his car…and then, his face notices his park job…but, he kinda shrugs and must have muttered to himself, “Fuck it, I was an Army cook in Korea” and continued on his way.
What’s great is that there is a hilarious blog solely about bad parking! Very funny stuff, here. I mean, we witness bad parking everywhere, everyday…especially if you live in central Ohio.
For the most part, this site itself is great! You can easily profile who was driving each vehicle when the horrendous park job was achieved. Buick in the handi-spot=oldtimer who fought in Korea. Ford F-350 taking up 3 spots=young asshole redneck. Benz over the line=bitch of a trophy wife….etc. That’s what’s always fun to me when I see a bad park job…trying to use my psychic abilities to envision the douche who did the deed. I mean, I’m not sure about the percentages, but some people are bad drivers, others are ignorant assholes, and others are arrogant assholes.
Then there’s the on purpose “bad parking job.”
As awesome as this site is, I must be extremely critical of a few of the entries. Some of them are stretches…in fact this one type of bad parking is actually acceptable!
Ok, so this person in the Honda pictured is not an ignorant bad parker, in fact he/she is ahead of the curve and thinks along my mind. The ideal parking spot has always been an end space, particularly if you love your car (aka, you’ve paid for it and it’s your baby). Those who have not had the experience of owning and loving your car will not understand. Many people simply don’t give a shit about their car, but there is a small number amongst us who adores our cars and will do whatever we can to protect them from nicks and dents from lazy assholes who fling their doors open with complete disregard. If you love your car, you actively seek the end space so that you can park all the way over so that there’s no doubt that no matter what idiot you can imagine parks next to you in the single adjacent space, there is no chance of dinging your baby. None.
There’s nothing wrong with this. Who am I hurting by parking way over? No one. I’m not in anyone’s way. I’m just way the fuck over. I do it in my parking lot.
Now, the majority of the imbeciles featured in this blog…yes, they are all ignorant assholes in some form…but Honda driver…you are smart and are officially pardoned by Mragh!
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