71 southbound through Columbus. Just as you hit the southern limits of the city, bam it hits you. Your nostrils start to curl. Your olfactory glands catch afire. Your eyes water...you lose control of your bowels...and have to regain awareness to avoid crashing your vehicle.
There is just a smell about the south side that is unique and horribly awful. Yes, I'm aware...there is a landfill and sewage treatment facility there. But, the wind only blows in one direction. How can it be that no matter where you go, it still has got that stank!?!!
Chillicothe, OH is no different. My friend was unfortunate enough to have been born there (not trying to be an elitist asshole here, I mean, I was born in fucking South Hartford) and he says it is because of a paper mill. A PAPER MILL??? What are they making, butt filthy toilet paper made from diarrhea trees?? Are all the factory workers emus? (Again, if you get to visit a zoo...take a whiff of the emus...they are as foul as can be).
I have noticed in my travels that the locals are immune to the smell! They leave no disposition or even a hint that there is that terrible smell in the air! Have they evolved? Or have they just blocked it out? Have they grown accustomed to the smell of dirty diaper meets turned perch? It was so bad one day in south Columbus, that I had some kind of asthma attack. I asked an old woman passing by, "Lady...do you smell that?" She looked at me like I was fuckin out of my mind.
Hahahaha. Classic. Yeah, I think that once you live in Chillicothe for awhile you do become immune. I lived there for 9 years and throughout that timeframe I never really noticed. Then we moved away and now when I visit I notice it from miles away.