You are grocery shopping...having a merry old time. You are checking off your list as you go when suddenly, in the middle of the aisle, right next to you head you are shocked!
"HELLOOOOOO...It's MEEEE...Mrs. Butterworth! COME HERE...I have something to show you!"
Direct quote.
Someone thought that a motion sensored device with a bullhorn was a good idea to advertise syrup. I hear this thing go of maybe 30 times a day...I haven't seen it work once! Anyone who hears it is instantaneously offended in every way.
I have included a picture of this satanic little device that belongs in a haunted house, not in a grocery store. My stores often will bitch and complain if I want to put a small cardboard display up that is actually going to make the store money, yet, this frightening device which if anything, is counterproductive to sales, is allowed to holds no product and it only terrifies people and children ...causing them to flee in horror away from the aisle. I mean, this one old broad walked by one today, activated it and I could smell her...she clearly lost her bowels...I hope she didn't have a stroke, too
Bottom line...some innovation is stupid, but is given a chance just for being called an "innovation," while many tried and true methods are put to the wayside. Oh well.
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