I love beer.
With that said, I thought I'd thump my cock on the table and at least provide my favorites.
For when I'm rich:
Dude, you just nailed that big deal, you're feeling like a million cold ones...dude, get yourself a 12 of Czechvar or Stella. Fuck, these are good beers. Original, pure, and quite European. They originate from fabled breweries with histories that dance around the origins of beer...so why not check out what they've been doing for all these centuries. This is the dew of the gods.
For when you are doing aight:
I love Molson Golden. Just a slight hint of sweetness. Molson is the oldest brewery in North America...so yes, like the aforementioned European beers, they know what they are doing. Please take the time to indulge.
For when you are just meh:
Miller Lite for me...how could you go wrong? Budweiser even concocted Bud Select to mimic this beer. For the money...you can do no wrong. Miller Lite will have you asking, "What is drinkability?" Oh yeah, it's what happens when you suck down a goato.
Now for somehting a little beefier, I recommend JW Dundee's Honeybrown...it is tremendously sweet, smooth, and heavy, so beware. Better than watery, pissy, and semeny like Heineken.
For when you are broke:
I'm gonna take some shit for this...but then again, everyone has their own poor man's beer...I'm with PBR and Miller High Life. Both will crush your will to get drunk. Both will ease the strain on your wallet, but of course, when we are this depressed, we know that the ease isn't that much as the strain it is putting on us is usually our last few bucks.
Enjoy the beers...fuck Budweiser...bitch beer.
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