So, with the new house...it only made sense that my band make it the new practice spot.
There's nothing wrong with where we used to practice. It's just my place has more room...and, well we want to leave our gear there and it just isn't that safe to do so.
My guitarist and I don't have the nicest shit...but let's just say our drummer has extremely nice gear...shit that we can't afford to get stolen.
Our guitarist's house (the old practice space) is across the street to some gang bangers...exhibit A is his wife's wallet and cellie were stolen from her car last week while it was parked in the driveway. Exhibit B is the amount of questionable characters who gathered outside last week's after practice pack up.
They were hawking us...thinking about if they could take us...if they could get the gear. Like a pack of hyenas waiting around a kill. There's no doubt what they wanted to do...but the 230 lb man, the 270 lb man, and the 280 lb man loading up their shit were the only things in their way.
There were about 10 of them. But they must not have had a gun and there was no way they were gonna think about doin it by hand. As I mentioned, we are all very big guys and if there was a scrum, they definitely would not come away with any gear...and if they made it out with their lives, they'd be missing teeth and portions of their faces.
But my drummer left before I did...and I was parked in the street...and I had one speaker left to load.
From the dark, I head a guy ask if I needed a hand with that. By the tone in his voice, there was nothing sincere about it at all...AT ALL. It was menacing. It was hopeful...like the same tone you use when you ask a drunk girl to take off her panties. My asshole brother later pointed out that it would be amusing to watch me chase some skinny guy down while he ran lugging my speaker and that it would be a fair chase! Hahahha. I politely told him no and shoved that fuckin speaker in as quickly as possible.
So my place is great for practice...it's by no means perfect...but great acoustics, an open floorplan in the basement...minus a few poles, and it needs a few more lights. Problem is...I'm the new neighbor and my landlord happens to be one of my adjacent neighbors....and, I'm just an over courteous person anyways...I don't want to ruin anybody's day just b/c I'm playing devil music.
So, we started jamming today and it was loud...definitely audible outside...but my landlord confirmed that the one set of neighbors couldn't hear it, as he talked to them by phone. My landlord was over, serving as my temporary bitch...fixing up my screened in porch...he didn't give a fuck about the noise...in fact, he thought we were pretty fuckin good! He doesn't care that we practice..."it's one of the things that comes with having a house."
Wow, I hit the jackpot on the new joint...now, if only I can find where I put my hoodie.....
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