My fiancee and I have been working with a local pet adoption organization and by organization, I mean that VERY loosely. I dare not even to dwell into the misery the last month has been...all we are doing is trying to help. But, I must mragh.
This organization tells you that the animals are potty trained and crate trained and you end up getting the "pet" and it is more closer behaved to a wild animal. Both dogs decided to shit in the house as a means of communicating to you that they are not happy in their crate when they are put there for when we go on errands or go to work for the day. Doesn't sound like crate trained to me, does it?
You can let them out and take them for a walk. They will go pee and then just look at you...you tell them to go poop...they don't. You take them in. You come back from work about two hours later and they have shit in their crate, rolled in it, laid in it, and have thrown the shit with their paws all over the surrounding floor and wall. They also kick the tray of their crate out and stampede upon the shit with their paws, mushing it into the carpet. I was going to take a pic, but I was far too enraged and settled on cleaning up the defcon worthy mess immediately...and I'm sure my landlord would prefer that kind of action. Just imagine Taz, spinning around in a shitting rage out of control in your utility room...I'm sure you don't need an image now.
I will say one thing...the animals were good with the cats, as in, they didn't try to bite them...now charge them, chase them away...they did plenty of that.
All we are doing is trying to help, but as busy young professionals, we don't have the time to deal with an animal that decides to shit and roll in it once or twice a day. Leave that to someone on welfare, someone who is retired, a homemaker, or a college kid to deal with that. When you work 50-60 hour weeks...it simply is not possible.
Here is Barney, our soon to be last foster dog's write up for this "organization":
Hi, my name is Barney and I'm a sweet puppy with big feet and a bigger personality. I like to run in the grass and get lots of human hugs, but I also likes getting kisses on the nose from my kitty foster friends! I am potty trained and know how to sit and how to come to my name. I would prefer a big fenced yard so I can run around like a wild man and expend some energy (which I have a LOT of)! Come check me out, I give the best kisses (and lots of those too)!
What it should really read:
Hi, my name is Barney and I'm a nightmare with massive feet and a bigger personality. I like to run in the grass and get lots of human attention as I am a major lush. I will chase and intimidate your cats and make them so miserable that they will only live in the basement! I will let you know when I have to pee outside by trampling you at 3 am. When you let me out at lunch, I will pee for you, but wait until you have crated me so I can revenge shit and roll in it! Ha ha, bitches. I require one or two baths a day, depending on how many inside shits I can stop, drop, and roll in as I love to make shit angels in your carpet and hardwood floor! My Shaq sized feet also do a great job of shit mushing! I will only be happy with a large fenced in yard so I can run around and be a terror beast. Come check me out, as I will lick you into your skin becomes raw and chafed!
I'm very upset. I feel like a quitter. I want to help these animals find a home. However, I am convinced that this group is not being forthcoming concerning the animals' flaws, it leaves us no choice but to leave them. As my brother just said, "You know as soon as they hand off the dog to you, they are saying...that poor bastard...he's fucked....let's see how long this lasts!"
I'm sorry this post just really angered me you say you work up to 60 hours a week why would you want a dog? if all the dog would do is sit in a cage for 60 hours a week?
ReplyDeletewhat sort of life is that for a animal? would you like it?
all animals that come from a homes are going to have problems why else would they be there? yes they should have told you but you must be an adult and know the way of the world by now?
I have had pet dogs all my life and when I left home (moved country) to work I left MY dog with my parents to look after, then when I had my first child I paid for her to have her passport (eu) to come be with me. It IS cruel on a dog to be left so long.