Monday, April 20, 2009

Craigslist M4M Ads...

Who would post something like this?

*Warning...severe Adult Content...Do not open at work. Do not open around minors. In fact, click it and keep your eyes closed...then slowly peek.

I dunno, this just seems very, very wrong to me. The level of perversion is just unbearable.

Now, the personal did I come across this ad? I'm not gay nor bisexual...but, to me...I find these hilarious. Sadly, in my spare time, every couple of days, I do entertain myself to pictures of cocks and craigslist ads...but hey, if that makes me a flameuse, I'm a flameuse. There's just something horribly fascinating about resorting to this sort of behavior.

I think I just really enjoy finding the hideous cock pics and sending them to my friends...but especially to my little bro. Here is an aim transcript from tonite:

Bro: (12:07:20 AM): can't sleep either
Me:(12:07:28 AM):
Bro:12 (12:07:39 AM): its prolly a cock
Me:(12:07:53 AM): nah, it's not i swear
Bro:12 (12:08:00 AM): wat is it
Me:(12:08:11 AM): it's this skiing pic
Bro:12 (12:08:27 AM): y r u looking at skiing pics
Me:(12:08:48 AM): i thought i'd look into getting a snowmobile while they are out of season
Bro:12 (12:09:00 AM): bullshit
Bro:12 (12:09:03 AM): i don't buy it

See, in the past...I got him great...plenty. First, I just got him with regular links. Then, I learned to disguise the know, have the link say something. But, for now...after about half a dozen times, I think he knows that he can scroll over it to see the link reveal itself...I gotta come up with something else to thwart him!

1 comment:

  1. a;lskdfha;slkdfhas;lkfhaslf;khasf;kashfasfasf;lkhasf;lkasf;saklhf;aslkfha;slkfhasdfklasf;lkhasdf

    I honestly am laughing my ass off at this shit hahahashahahaahahah "Skiing pic"
