Sunday, April 5, 2009

Welp, guess I finally got use for these here white sheets

Hey Pammy. Pick up em' condom wrappers now. Carry that there sermon to that there toirlet! I gotta have me a clean area to fuck in. This thing between my legs is a phallus. It needs room! Move! Move! Mush! I'm gonna whip ya like one-a them sled dogs ya see on the iditerod if ya don't get movin' faster.

Now my son, he always used to treat my establishment and home like a God-damned brothel or fraternity house! Used to rut them girls on my pool table. Now when guys fuck on my pool table, someone gets hurt! I'm a scrappy ol' cuss. I'll kill eem' if he ever uses my game room as a fuckfest again! I mean it!

Now them coloreds; they come in all shapes and sizes. Some er' small. Some er' big. Some er' even intelligent! I met me a colored the other day on my family's plantation in Washington Courhouse that could count to 7. I wanted to bring eem' home with me here to Grove City to show em' to all my friends. He said he couldn't leave and I reckon I understand that. He has to work the land if he wants to eat. Now get back to work, I told eem'.

Ya see you just have to listen to em'. You don't ignore your pets do ya? Well..... then..... don't ignore them coloreds.

Now if I woke up and it was a perfect world; I'd be the president of TruGreen and we'd only have one race. White aryan. No need for them others. They just clog things up. I like my line at McDonalds short and quick, thank you very much. No need to wait on my coffee. I want to finish first.

And the coloreds would still be sitting in the back of the bus. Why fix something if it ain't broken. That's all I'm sayin', man.

Now Run Eem' Run eem' Run eem' Run eem' run-run-run-run em'.


  1. Fortunately, there are only a few people left on earth who think like this...

  2. Look at that grin. It just wreaks of Grand Dragon doesn't it?
