My Foster dog, Ace is easily excited. However, upon my return from work yesterday, I was shocked at what I saw!
In his crate, we keep a hideous, technicolor, flamuese blanket. It is hideous and comes from my fiancee's half of things. Well, Ace somehow managed to stuff this blanket through the was as if a strongman had pulled it through from the outside of the cage. That was the odd thing. I could understand if he had accomplished the feat by pulling the blanket, but this had to have been somehow PUSHED through the cage.
I struggled mightily with this blanket! It was delaying me from setting up my new TV. I was enraged. I was sweating, panting...battling with this blanket! It was completely stuck...and, like Alexander the Great, I choose to cheat. I reached for my Easy Cut Box cutter...yeah, this thing is bad ass...and I began slashing at the technicolor blanket in a rage!
The cutting did not help. So, I decided to stand on the crate floor and pull with all my strength...and I finally relinquished the technicolor blanket from the cage. Ace was really enjoyed the display. I kept cursing at him, asking him..."Ace...what the fuck did you do??" He just would paw at me and make a dumb, happy face.
So, am I greater than Alexander...I didn't cheat by cutting my Gordian Knot.
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