Viagra commercials are supposed to insight many things.
Hope for the ancient dicked.
Disgust for younger people.
Annoyance by us who watch tv and see it a million times.
I have another thought that comes to mind...about gray pubes mashing...does anyone else think about this? I mean, you know old people don't keep up with things down there.
I used to work at a day camp that was at a public university. We had a designated swimming time allotted for the campers. Well, in the showers would be the pool members...all old guys...ass naked...it was awful...I mean, dude...c'mon, these are little kids...nobody and I mean nobody, especially little kids, wants to see this shit.
What was amazing was the pubeage of these old dudes. I mean, they had pube beards down to their mid thighs...I'm not even joking. The shower soaked, gray pubes were woolly...whatever semblance of dicks these guys were packing were nowhere to be seen.
Now, I don't even want to imagine these things, viagra inflated, in action attacking a fellow pube forest.
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