Sunday, February 15, 2009

An Analysis of the Spoiled

Typically, we’re talking about the progeny of the wealthy here. But, you can be quite lower-middle classed and still be spoiled filthy! I will get into that later. First, let’s lay into the spoiled rich b/c it’s so easy.

I went to a school that brought in a lot of people on scholarship. In order to break even, they brought in a lot of dumb, rich kids who weren’t receiving any scholarship money and were paying full price to cover the difference. Not a bad plan, but it severely waters down the talent at the institution. But again, gotta think business first!
In truth, the spoiled of the rich have no worries. There is no concern. A life of leisure awaits them, regardless of what they do. They do have other, extremely pressing issues that can develop, particularly with recreational drugs and addiction. Well, when you are bored with your life and everything is provided, what else are you to do? Some of these kids could not stop doing cocaine. It was incredible. Uppers in the morning to get up and get through the day, depressants at nite to come down. What a way to live!

Now, I mentioned that you don’t have to be rich to be spoiled. Take my fiancée, for example. Her family is clearly middle classed, yet, her grandmother lived with them when she was growing up. This meant, her hair was done for her every morning before school, she always had immaculate bagged lunches, and I can’t even imagine the quality of dinners that a Long Island, Jewish Grandmother could create in the kitchen. Now that I’m around, guess who has to cater to her spoiled appetite, I DO. It ain’t easy, she’s very demanding and it’s a good fuckin thing that I have a culinary background!

A couple of my friends are spoiled beyond belief and are not wealthy. They can do no wrong by their parents eyes and in turn, they can never own responsibility or be accountable for anything foolish that they do. For any stupid error of judgement they make, no matter how egregious , they are bailed out constantly. it criminal, spur of the moment move to the tropics while losing life savings, have children prematurely, dui’s, rampant drug and alcohol abuse, refusal to apologize for disrespect and damages, unable to hold a job, unable to go to school, etc. It’s not their fault, they were brought up this way! However, once you reach adulthood, it becomes time to catch up with the rest of the world and gain the enlightenment that the world does not revolve around you, the world doesn’t give a shit about you, and that eventually, your bail outs will cease. And YOU will be responsible for choosing your own adventure, without cheating and looking ahead first to see what will happen!

My brother is a very interesting case. Our perception of life is different bc of our age gap. Although, my father has made his way up the corporate ladder and through high school to the present, I’d consider our living conditions then to be upper-middle class, my brother does not remember hamburger helper for dinner every nite in the hideous little house in Mankato , Minnesota. Or Hot Dogs, mac n cheese, or creamed corn. I do. I could relate with my father’s work ethic, bc being the oldest, I was given all kinds of responsibility. My brother, the opposite. He was coddled by my mother and father. I was their test method of raising and my brother was to receive the improved version. Wrong. My brother grew up with every want or need handed to him. He has never held a job in his life. He’s 20. He gets his school, books, rent, car, and gas all paid for. He gets his car dented, my Dad takes care of it and my brother has the nerve to complain about the inconvenience of taking it to the shop. During the Christmas holiday, my father flew him down to Florida to see my grandparents and go swimming with the manatees…he complained to me that he didn’t even get a Christmas gift and he couldn’t understand why I did.

But that’s just how he is. He’s soft. The slightest obstacle is too much for him and I guess that’s why he’s in the situation he’s in…the 8 year plan majoring in communications (btw, he mumbles like a mother fucker and can’t use vocabulary, talk, write, or read…but that’s his major).

If you’re spoiled…hey, you can’t help it. Just be aware that your life is easier than the most of us! So when you finally hit your first obstacles, we don’t care!


  1. To me in in our highschool days meant a hard core punch in the face when the heart ended up in a trash can.

    Student government was flooded with retarded people that had football players taking them to prom

  2. The spoiled need punched in the cunt. The worst is those who hit the DNA lottery, used their first trip to college as a party-all-night free for all and rubbed it in our face while we were studying or you know, trying to make good on our one and only chance in life.

    And you can kiss my dick those of you whose daddy let them run their construction company after the business was built and manicured. Yes I am bitter.
