Tell me if I'm wrong.
If you live in OH, you have probably noticed this massive campaign for safer motorcycling as the weather has slooooowly begun to warm.
Look it...I'm fine with the fact that there are quite a few people who like to motorcycle, ok. I don't mind...If you get off to that shit, fine. You have accepted the risks. You know damn well the danger you are getting yourself into. But I also know this....over half of you don't wear helmets, drive like dumbasses, speed excessively, drive drunk, hide in my blind spot, weave in and out of traffic, pop wheelies at 100 mph on the highway...etc.
So, when I'm driving on 270 and I see the traffic update sign flash me the signal of, "Motorists, watch your blind spots for motorcyclists!" I say suck it. I seriously doubt the rise in Ohio motorcycle fatalities in recent years has little to anything to do with our already shitty drivers driving any worse only with motorcyclists around. It has more to do with these same bad driving doofs getting into or onto their motorcycles that they suck even worse at operating, driving drunk, speeding, no helmet... mraghmraghmraghmragh-mragh!
I think it's even more ironic that the local government mandates that everyone needs to wear safety belts, yet, if you want to cruise down the road in a motorized, open bike with no helmet...go for it, bro! Dumb.
For the law-abiding motorcyclist, my apologies...but you know damn well that there are quite a few assholes in your brethren.
Yes, we have seen plenty of people almost die trying to pop a wheely on summit street up here just sitting outside and they are usually going 70 in a 35 as they are doing it on a one way.. at night with cars parked along the street and drunks crossing frequently. Adding the element of their stupidity isn't helping.