Break your big toe nail in half, swear so much you will guarantee yourself a spot in hell, throw out your back, pinch your pinkie, and have a stroke and heart attack...go ahead and put one of these dog crates together.
I don't consider myself special ed. I'm no Bob Villa, but I'm decently handy. I'm telling ya...a dog crate is a nightmare. It's basically working a three-dimensional puzzle made out of coathangers that folds like a suitcase and harms you. I dunno who designs these things, but they are not durable.
I'm sure if they are brand new, they behave fine. But ours is a little older...and when you have a 100 lb beast caged up and ramming into the sides of this thing, it tends to get bent out of shape. Because of these minor shifts, the intent of the initial design leaves no room for error. If there is even the slightest change from the original shape...fucked. So, in areas where a corner fit nicely or a piece that snaps into another piece once were harmonious, now they are oblong and require much extra effort just to get the damn thing to fit.
I did get the fucker, up though. I hope your happy.
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