Hooray for our one year anniversary....and no one has died yet! For those who don't know us, Statty and I bicker and fight all the time, yet it is still a healthy, loving relationship. I have learned through watching the failure, drug and alcohol rage passive aggressive rage fest that was my parents' marriage to get things off your chest....immediately.
We have our hot button issues that will inevitably start fights....so, I am just learning to lay off of them....however, Statty has not learned. She will conveniently show me a picture from 5 yrs ago (when I was suave and hot) when I serve myself seconds or by a 12 pack...."Oh, Une...please make this (patting my tummy) go away! I want a skinny, hot Une again." Well, to an outsider, this could potentially sound terrible...but I applaud her honesty...I wouldn't like it if she put on weight! Well, between the yardwork, P90x, and gymn membership, I'm hoping to get back to my playing weight....this will do wonders for my live act!
So happy one year!
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