Monday, July 5, 2010

Good Beer...

In the spirit of the 4th, I am entertained by posts on myspace and twitter that read, "Kicking back with my [Insert Corona, Landshark, Heineken, etc]...went big...this is the best beer!"

What in the fuck, people? People hate beer snobs....well, there's a reason...people hate the enlightened.

The fact that people love those shitty beers is amazing...the fact that they share a pricepoint as brands like Spaten, Great Lakes, Leinenkugel, Oberon, Magic Hat, etc is incredible!

At Melting Pot yesterday, I overheard this conversation a few tables over.

Old hick:"Derp deh day derp....don't yuns just have a budweiser?"
Waiter:"Sorry...we only serve high end beer here."
Old hick:"Welp, watar for me."

Like wtf....expand your horizons a bit! This is your first trip to a nonApplebee's in 7 years....why not try something new. Guess what! Budweiser is terrible! It's Nascar deer piss!

Beer is a beautiful craft and sure, every now and then I'll hit some piss High Life....but fuck, for celebrating, don't drink piss and call it gravy....and I don't want to read it on my social networking sites...

Some of my picks (they change all the time)

Beer of disability-Beast Ice
Beer of cheap-Miller High Life Lite
Beer of frugal-Molson Canadian
Beer of Summer-Leinenkugel Summer Shandy-I don't care if it has lemonade in it!
Beer of Winter-Spaten Optimator
Beers of yum-Great Lakes Eliot Ness and Burning River

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