Picked up a bat(baseball) for the first time in 2 years....mind you I just had wrist surgery and am finally cleared to do things....I'm at about 80%...and it's feeling better than it ever did in college....
But even though it was only 4 years ago, it seems like a lifetime since my last game....my junior year...I cried bc I knew it was my last game...I had lost any desire to play the game anymore...my vices had gotten the best of me....my eyesight worse than my grandparents, my anxiety and depression nearly consumed me, my wrist injuries left me unable to check my swing...the sanctuary that baseball was when I was growing up in a horrible home no longer existed bc of my environment and a rotten coach...
There's a lot of what ifs, but I'm just a shell of the prospect I once was....I still have that swing....and I thank my friend Clint for convincing me to go hit with him yesterday....
For the first time in almost a decade, hitting in the cage was just that....my escape...from school, my head, my awful drunken mother, my job.....and for a split second, it was a summer evening in Mason, OH....and I was hitting with my brother...the world of baseball promise ahead of us, limitless, vast, and beautiful...
I'm losing weight again....with the hope of playing in this very competitive men's league next year....and I have the hopes that I'll be down 50-70 lbs, and I'll have a brand new wrist!
Good things coming...
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Software for the deck...

Had to fix the deck....
Because of the hours of battle my german shepherds do on the deck, a few boards have come loose.
No big, right...just grab the drill and some screws and have at it.
Either my deck base is made of metal, petrified redwood, or these chinese made screws really suck. Explain to me how this is supposed to happen....
I'm glad these screws are holding up my garage shelves and my big screen.....I'm kinda glad my house was built in '89...fuck forbid...new houses are getting built with these!
Monday, July 5, 2010
Good Beer...
In the spirit of the 4th, I am entertained by posts on myspace and twitter that read, "Kicking back with my [Insert Corona, Landshark, Heineken, etc]...went big...this is the best beer!"
What in the fuck, people? People hate beer snobs....well, there's a reason...people hate the enlightened.
The fact that people love those shitty beers is amazing...the fact that they share a pricepoint as brands like Spaten, Great Lakes, Leinenkugel, Oberon, Magic Hat, etc is incredible!
At Melting Pot yesterday, I overheard this conversation a few tables over.
Old hick:"Derp deh day derp....don't yuns just have a budweiser?"
Waiter:"Sorry...we only serve high end beer here."
Old hick:"Welp, watar for me."
Like wtf....expand your horizons a bit! This is your first trip to a nonApplebee's in 7 years....why not try something new. Guess what! Budweiser is terrible! It's Nascar deer piss!
Beer is a beautiful craft and sure, every now and then I'll hit some piss High Life....but fuck, for celebrating, don't drink piss and call it gravy....and I don't want to read it on my social networking sites...
Some of my picks (they change all the time)
Beer of disability-Beast Ice
Beer of cheap-Miller High Life Lite
Beer of frugal-Molson Canadian
Beer of Summer-Leinenkugel Summer Shandy-I don't care if it has lemonade in it!
Beer of Winter-Spaten Optimator
Beers of yum-Great Lakes Eliot Ness and Burning River
What in the fuck, people? People hate beer snobs....well, there's a reason...people hate the enlightened.
The fact that people love those shitty beers is amazing...the fact that they share a pricepoint as brands like Spaten, Great Lakes, Leinenkugel, Oberon, Magic Hat, etc is incredible!
At Melting Pot yesterday, I overheard this conversation a few tables over.
Old hick:"Derp deh day derp....don't yuns just have a budweiser?"
Waiter:"Sorry...we only serve high end beer here."
Old hick:"Welp, watar for me."
Like wtf....expand your horizons a bit! This is your first trip to a nonApplebee's in 7 years....why not try something new. Guess what! Budweiser is terrible! It's Nascar deer piss!
Beer is a beautiful craft and sure, every now and then I'll hit some piss High Life....but fuck, for celebrating, don't drink piss and call it gravy....and I don't want to read it on my social networking sites...
Some of my picks (they change all the time)
Beer of disability-Beast Ice
Beer of cheap-Miller High Life Lite
Beer of frugal-Molson Canadian
Beer of Summer-Leinenkugel Summer Shandy-I don't care if it has lemonade in it!
Beer of Winter-Spaten Optimator
Beers of yum-Great Lakes Eliot Ness and Burning River
Sunday, July 4, 2010
To the death!

Hooray for our one year anniversary....and no one has died yet! For those who don't know us, Statty and I bicker and fight all the time, yet it is still a healthy, loving relationship. I have learned through watching the failure, drug and alcohol rage passive aggressive rage fest that was my parents' marriage to get things off your chest....immediately.
We have our hot button issues that will inevitably start fights....so, I am just learning to lay off of them....however, Statty has not learned. She will conveniently show me a picture from 5 yrs ago (when I was suave and hot) when I serve myself seconds or by a 12 pack...."Oh, Une...please make this (patting my tummy) go away! I want a skinny, hot Une again." Well, to an outsider, this could potentially sound terrible...but I applaud her honesty...I wouldn't like it if she put on weight! Well, between the yardwork, P90x, and gymn membership, I'm hoping to get back to my playing weight....this will do wonders for my live act!
So happy one year!
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Typical Uncouth Hillbilly Behavior....
I bought a house in Worthington....this is a nice area....pretty snooty, too...not quite like Dublin or Upper Arlington...but it's up there. However, I did manage to get the last home built in my subdivision and it abuts directly up against these two family home rentals.
These places probably rent for 500/month....and yes, they bring with them a different kind of person....
Everyone kinda hates me bc I have two pretty girls living with me....my wife and our roomie...however, I think everyone just assumes we're polygamists....so they hate me even more. No one has been interested in meeting us...well, until about 2 weeks ago, the fat as fuck 50 something guy across the street named Joe decided to waddle over while I was edging. He introduced himself in his central OH Walmartian dialect and explained that he'd seal my driveway for $150. It's like...I've lived here 2.5 months and this fuckstick comes to say hi just bc he wants a job bc he's laid off....
Well, Thursday, he and his fat wife and their tribe of inbred children decided to sit out on their porch all day and get shitty on some Bud heavy....by 7pm, there was like mass child endangerment going on as their grandchildren were terrified as their entire front yard was littered with shouting, wasted, hicks....from what I could get out of it..."Derp der derp derp Walmart, you pay fer da Fhuckin berrrrr!!!!!!"
These fucks were having a culdesac block brawl, getting physical, etc bc they could not agree to terms over how to split the cases of Bud heavy......wow....
Get off your ass, America...and find a job...even if it isn't a great job...it's better than being a shitstain....
These places probably rent for 500/month....and yes, they bring with them a different kind of person....
Everyone kinda hates me bc I have two pretty girls living with me....my wife and our roomie...however, I think everyone just assumes we're polygamists....so they hate me even more. No one has been interested in meeting us...well, until about 2 weeks ago, the fat as fuck 50 something guy across the street named Joe decided to waddle over while I was edging. He introduced himself in his central OH Walmartian dialect and explained that he'd seal my driveway for $150. It's like...I've lived here 2.5 months and this fuckstick comes to say hi just bc he wants a job bc he's laid off....
Well, Thursday, he and his fat wife and their tribe of inbred children decided to sit out on their porch all day and get shitty on some Bud heavy....by 7pm, there was like mass child endangerment going on as their grandchildren were terrified as their entire front yard was littered with shouting, wasted, hicks....from what I could get out of it..."Derp der derp derp Walmart, you pay fer da Fhuckin berrrrr!!!!!!"
These fucks were having a culdesac block brawl, getting physical, etc bc they could not agree to terms over how to split the cases of Bud heavy......wow....
Get off your ass, America...and find a job...even if it isn't a great job...it's better than being a shitstain....
Thursday, July 1, 2010
The new cat toys look like poops....
From a distance...across the house...the new cat toys look like poops on my rug and I instantly get enraged when I see them....then, I remember that in poor lighting, the new cat toys resemble poop...
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