Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Jew Garbage

Here's a good one...ever notice that local gov't workers treat us like shit....cops, teachers, garbagemen, mailmen.....all of 'em....they treat us like dog shit.

My roomie inadvertently parked her car too close to our mailbox a few months ago and the mailman wanted to like mudwrestle/cage fight her to the death or some shit.

In Cbus, we live under a similar totalitarian regime involving the garbagemen. Ok, so you get one trashcan per household....and whatever doesn't fit, well you're shit out of luck. You can arrange for bulk pickup...but who the fuck has the time to arrange such a ridiculous thing.....we did it when we last moved...fuck, the whole process took like 3 days to arrange.

In a household with three adults, 5 kitties, and 2 german shepherds, it's hard to keep things to one trash can....we try, but kitties don't stop shitting and I don't stop cooking. Also, we have to keep buying things we have never had before (like a dehumdifier, power tools, etc). These things come in bulky packaging that needs thrown away.

Our trash day changes (does anyone else deal with this?). Let me repeat myself....the fuckin trash day changes all the time. As a child, trash day was was one of my chores to take trash out and take the empty cans back in every single mutha fuckin Monday. It was like clockwork...who cares about holidays? The fuckin trashmen are getting paid $20 an hr....well, here in Cbus, the trash date changes all the have to go to a website to keep track! It's so fuckin annoying! I mean, fuck...mragh mragh mragh mragh!

So bc I forgot, last week, I did not take the trash out....fuck....I have a mountain of trash, which brings us to the concept of "Jew trash." My wife is Jewish, so it's ok...she coined this phrase. Basically, when I have extra trash (and this time, I have a shit ton) I have to sneak around and dump extra trash into my neighbors' less full bins. I'm lucky. This week, the hillbillies down the street have been evicted, so they have arranged for a bulk pickup....tonite around midnite, I'll be placing my extra trash amongst their diminuitive landfill in their front lawn.

1 comment:

  1. I was a garbage man for about two weeks when I was 18. It paid $10/hr and you worked 80+ hours a week... and it sucked. Then the truck nearly took my hand, so I quit. Even with stitches in my hand, they wanted me to walk around the outside of the office building and pick up trash.
