The Quest for Mt. Wendy's was an undertaking I performed while in my downtime and only at the convenience that I happened to be in the are. I failed in my pursuits...but I knew that one day, I would gaze upon its glory again.
While fielding a call today, I needed to pull over as my company has a no tolerance cell phone driving policy. I could not believe my eyes as I exited the highway that sloped into a valley with a four way stop. To my left, a massive Wendy's sign at the summit of a great mount...and in the valley below, the very McDonald's where we had been banished! I could not contain myself.
Immediately, I needed to document to footage...it was like retracing the stations of the cross on a pilgrimage to Calvary hill.
I stepped out of my vehicle...I took myself back to that fateful day...I could envision the great monster furiously pumping his arms as his heart was pumping his viscous blood through plaque encrusted veins...I could see him salivate...I could see his rage...."Coaches eat at Wendy's! ROOARR-MRAGHHHH!!!" Like a great beast, he threw his head back in victory. Even the most minute petty control he could have over young men brought him tickles to his testicles.
I will find a local artist of my liking and I will commission a work along the same realm as Emanuel Leutze's 1851 American Classic oil-on-canvas, "Washington Crossing the Delaware" In the foreground, shall be us peasants...exiting the bus, stricken and starved, at the center will be the goon, in pompous undeserved grandeur. He will be 1/4 way up his climb, panting like a coy-ote...baying like a llama. And there in the background, will be the glory that is Mt. Wendy's...I must find the artist! Please send me suggestions.
Dude, this is amazing. Truly amazing. I might have to do a post about it as well.