Tuesday, February 10, 2009

The Restroom

A wiseman once said, "I love white trash from central Ohio."

They don't have to be from central Ohio...my tattoo artist says, "no matter where you go, you will still find hillbillies." He's right...it's inescapable.

But there are basic common courtesies that every human being must harbor somewhere in them? Everyone is entitled to certain inalienable rights that should never be violated under any circumstance.


Circleville, OH. According to wikipedia, which for the most part is infallible, the town was designed in with a circular base plan rather than the traditional Roman city block. In city planning, you have Ancient Rome and Circleville.

To protect my identity, I will never disclose why I'm in such places, but let's just say I'm on business and my business involves travel to such places.

In my line of work, it is necessary to make bathroom stops along the way. I stopped at a local grocery store because I couldn't find a fast food joint for the life of me, and my time was running short...the coloner pangs were present.

After preparing a nest of toiletpaper for myself upon the filthy seat, I begin doing my business. Yes, it is a triumphant epic. I was crushing. I dabble in brickbreaker while I do my business. I'm no pro player, but I dabble and I enjoy a good game. Well, sure enough, as luck would have it, I near an all-time personal record! So, let's just say I take my time in the stall. I creep closer and closer to my goal. I hear the bathroom door squeak open, followed by labored shuffling.

My stall is under seige

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